Artificial Intelligence for

Human-Robot Interaction 2016

AAAI Fall Symposium Series

November 17-19, Arlington, VA, USA



The field of human-robot interaction (HRI) is a broad community encompassing robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), human-computer interaction (HCI), psychology and social science. In this meeting, we seek to bring together and strengthen the subset of the HRI community that is focused on the AI challenges inherent to HRI.

HRI aims to develop robots that are intelligent, autonomous, and capable of interacting with, modeling, and learning from humans -- goals that are also at the core of the field of AI. While HRI work is seen across a variety of venues (e.g., HRI, RSS, ICRA, IROS, Ro-Man, RoboCup, and more), AI-HRI seeks to serve as the gathering point for the AI-focused community within HRI.

The central purpose of this symposium is to share the most exciting research in this area while cultivating a vibrant, interconnected research community. We will build on the success of previous year's symposium by introducing a heavier emphasis on sharing research results and devoting more time to the presentation and discussion of current work in the field.

Previous symposia:

AI-HRI 2014 | AI-HRI 2015

Jun. 14th

Jul. 15th

Aug. 4th

Aug. 24th

Sep. 6th

Oct. 21st

Nov. 17th

Nov. 19th

submission site open

submission deadline


notification of acceptance

camera-ready deadline

registration deadline

symposium begins

symposium ends